“Trucking is the engine of the economy and drivers are the key.”

Our Founder

Seeing the needs of people throughout his career, it has been a life-long dream of Believers Trucking CEO, Etienne Hightower to launch Trucker Down. Etienne has been in public service for over 20 years, including 5 years as a highway patrolman and 15 years as a federal agent. He has dedicated his life to giving through public service, but it was in founding Believers Trucking in 2018 that he was able to identify specific needs of people which would allow him to pursue his passion for human services.


What Can We Do?

Listen to the needs of our truckers and their families and we respond with the necessary aid to keep these families healthy and supported. We are dedicated to human services. Assistance may be in the form of direct financial payments, community wellness activities and/or other benefits. We are also active in bringing more public awareness of how to share the road safely with large trucks and educating our truckers on proper health and nutrition by professionals in those fields.

How Do We Do It?

Trucker Down accepts applications for assistance through the web portal, email or US Postal Service.  Applications are reviewed by the Board of Directors for Trucker Down to determine allocation of assistance to CDLA drivers or their family where appropriate. If a trucker tragically passes away as a result of an accident or medial issue while driving, Trucker Down is a resource for the families of these hard-working women and men.  Further, Trucker Down is a resource for drivers that may be experiencing a personal hardship. These applications are also reviewed by the Board of Directors for Trucker Down to determine suitable support to keep our drivers healthy and on the road.


Review Examples of Trucker Down Impact

Please Click the Images Below to See Examples of How Trucker Down Has Impacted Lives

 Our Board of Directors

Please Click the Images Below to Read Bios

Etienne Hightower
CEO, Believers Trucking

Debbie Hightower
Former Federal Law Enforcement Officer

To Be Announced

Board Member
Kenny Lancaster
Securitas Security

Board Member
To Be Announced

Board Member
To Be Announced

Board Member
Mark Hart
Former COO Carolina Panthers

Board Member
Thomas Hyslip
Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Department of Criminology, University of South Florida

Board Member
Justin Lu
CEO, ezpapel.ai